
时间:2023-11-18 12:45:58来源: 意大利侨网


当地时间11月14日下午,中国国家主席习近平乘专机抵达美国旧金山,应邀同美国总统拜登举行中美元首会晤,同时应邀出席亚太经合组织第三十次领导人非正式会议。针对此次中美元首会晤,国际著名投资家吉姆·罗杰斯(Jim Rogers)接受中国新闻网专访。他表示,经贸往来让美中两国都从中获益,交流互动则促进两国人民民心相通。对于美国政府来说,对华政策若制定得当,可为双边贸易保驾护航。

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday arrived in San Francisco for a summit with U.S. President Joe Biden, and to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting. In a recently exclusive interview with China News Network, Jim Rogers, the global financial titan, shared his observation on the U.S.-China relations. He said that both countries have benefited from economic and trade exchanges, and have close people-to-people ties. The proper China policy for the U.S. administration should facilitate trade relations with China.