国际专家:中国经济发展前景光明 科技革新全球瞩目

时间:2024-02-13 12:16:02来源: 意大利侨网


龙年新春到来之际,各国专家纷纷对中国送上祝福。哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院教授拉纳·米特(Rana Mitter)指出,和平稳定是区域发展的重要前提,祝愿中国携手世界各国,共同开启繁荣合作的一年。欧盟亚洲中心副主任马蒂儿(Matic Gajšek)用汉语祝愿中国人民龙年快乐,并期待欧中在新的一年里,继续深化沟通交流。美国杜克大学校长中国事务高级顾问丹尼斯·西蒙(Danis Simon)表示,中国经济转型过程中难免会伴随着挑战,但外商群体在华投资意愿仍然强烈。他相信,中国经济发展的前景是光明的。瑞典“一带一路”研究所所长史蒂芬•布劳尔(Stephen Brawer)认为,中国在航空航天、新能源等领域的革新或将影响人类社会未来的进程,相关领域的发展值得期待。保加利亚-中国工业商会副会长王毅夫(Ivo Ganchev)则祝愿中国朋友在新的一年里身体安康、事业进步。

As the world celebrates the coming of the Year of the Dragon, global experts send their greetings.

Rana Mitter, ST Lee Chair in US-Asia Relations at the Harvard Kennedy School, expects the Chinese economy to prosper in the years to come by opening markets, maintaining regional stability, and deepening cooperation.

Matic Gajšek, director for Europe at Europe Asia Center, extends his holiday greetings in Chinese and wishes for more conversations and exchanges between China and Europe in the new year.

“The foreign business community sees that being in China is of great benefit and they are going to want to sustain their presence there,” said Danis Simon, senior adviser to the President for China Affairs at Duke University. He believes that the road ahead is promising for China, though inevitably with some challenges.

Stephen Brawer, chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, holds that China’s space and energy programs are significant directions that could potentially shape human society in the coming thousands of years.

Ivo Ganchev, vice-chairman of the Bulgarian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, wishes the Chinese people to enjoy good health and career success in the new year.