
时间:2020-05-05 17:55:27来源: 意大利侨网





在美国历史上最伟大总统之一林肯的“注目”下,特朗普再次“花式”甩锅,称“所有人,甚至连安东尼·福奇都说疫情会过去的,不会有什么大事儿” ,而自己“很早就对中国关闭了国门”(在世卫组织1月30日宣布新型冠状病毒疫情为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件之后)。







President Donald Trump responded to a question about his slow response to tackling the coronavirus crisis during a Fox News town hall on Sunday night, saying that "everybody," including leading infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, previously downplayed the severity of the virus.

"What I did, way early, is I closed our country to China," Trump said in response to a question about why he did not act sooner to prepare for a COVID-19 outbreak in the US.

Trump imposed travel restrictions on China in early February shortly after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global health emergency, which he has repeatedly touted as evidence of his quick response to stopping the virus spread.

"Nancy Pelosi was a month later saying it was going to pass, everybody, even Tony Fauci was saying it's gonna pass, not gonna be a big deal," he added.

But Trump has come under scrutiny for his administration's slow response to the coronavirus crisis in recent months, with reports indicating U.S. intelligence warned Trump in January and February about the likelihood of a pandemic.

Even Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who has also been a top official in the White House coronavirus task force, has been warning the Trump administration about a potential disease outbreak since 2017.

He also stressed at the time the need for a "public-health emergency fund" to treat disease outbreaks, though the Trump administration has been in recent years cutting spending for federal agencies responsible for detecting and preparing for outbreaks.




4月30日,特朗普在白宫椭圆办公室对记者们表示,美国正在加速研发一种新冠病毒疫苗,将其称作“曲速行动”(Operation Warp Speed,科幻电影《星际迷航》中的名词,可实现超光速飞行),并宣布其本人将亲自负责。







Donald Trump said he "firmly believes" there'll be a vaccine for COVID-19 by the end of 2020.

"We'll have a vaccine much sooner rather than later," Trump told Fox News.

Asked if another country could "beat us" on creating a vaccine, Trump said it's not like him to say as he just wants a vaccine. "We have to get a vaccine," he said, adding that he "firmly believes" it will be done by the end of 2020.

"I'll take my hat off to them (that create one)."

Asked about the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine, Trump said he had three calls in the last three or four days from people who credit it with saving their lives, and he believes the drug is effective in fighting against coronavirus.

The FDA has issued a safety warning against hydroxychloroquine and studies have been inconclusive in proving the drug's effectiveness against COVID-19.







美国疾控中心主任罗伯特·雷德菲尔德(Robert Redfield)也警告说,新冠病毒可能会在冬天卷土重来,第二波新冠疫情可能会和流感季同时到来,将“更具毁灭性”。




Although he acknowledged some Americans worried about getting sick, Trump repeated in the program that "a lot of people want to go back" and "we have to let 'em come back."

"You see demonstrations all over the country – and those are meaningful demonstrations... Now we have to get it open. We have to get it open safely, but we have to get it open as quickly as possible."

He said, "you're gonna have all those seats" at restaurants like before. He said he wants to sit beside people, and he wants 100,000-plus at Alabama football games.

"Some people" say the virus could come back, he said, but still, "it will pass."

Referring to the death toll, Trump said the U.S. will lose about 80,000 or 90,000 people, moving the number up from the 50,000-60,000 total he cited on April 20.

The number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in the U.S. hit 1,158,041, with 67,682 deaths, as of 3:32 EST on Monday, according to statistics released by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.